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Ve Zlých časech pouze třetinka za 89 Kč a to celkem slušné pitivo opravdu pokazí.
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L. Dříve: T7. Wheat beer comes from Bavaria, is top-fermented and is held in great esteem by beer gourmets due to its fruity hints and its fizzy freshness. Top-fermented porter normally comes from England or from the Baltic See as bottom-fermented version. Its taste strikes you with totally different flavors: It is roasty, malty and reminds you of nuts and dark chocolate. So much for the theory. During a meeting of brewing artists in London, Georg VI. Schneider and his friend Alistar had the idea of uniting both beer styles. A thought struck, a deed was done. With the new TAPX Meine Porter Weisse, Schneider Weisse managed a unique combination of two classic beer specialties. “If you intensively busy yourself with the history of porter, closely examine its aroma profile and compare it to a classic wheat beer, you’ll soon realize that there is a basis for the development of an expressive character on this union”, Schneider Weisse brewmaster Hans-Peter Drexler explains the emergence of the new TAPX. “A historically bold but in taste ultimately a very appropriate combination of two wayward beer styles,” concludes Drexler.